Single Mommy trying to find my place in this crazy world. Random thoughts, pics, videos etc that pop in my head along the way. Maybe some DIY ideas, recipes, and reviews as well. Followed by a pinch of spice to keep it interesting.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A letter to my 3 year old...


What happened to my little baby?  Three years old?  How did this happen so fast.  I find myself amazed each day at how much you’ve grown.  You come into my room now and say, “Wake up Mommy.” when you use to just scream from your crib.  You sing, dance, and talk non-stop.  Instead of “Goo Goo GaGa”, you now engage in conversation with real dialogue.  You care about others feelings and ask how their day is going.  You ask every stranger you meet what their name is and greet them with a big smile.  You give practical solutions to problems that arise. Example, when you noticed I’d been crying you simply said, “Wipe your tears Mommy and then you can be happy.”  So matter of fact.  It worked.  I was smiling in no time.  You even quote movies now.  What 3 year old does that?  In perfect context too.  I no longer have to help you put on your own shoes or brush your teeth.  Miss Independent you certainly are.

Three years ago today,  I couldn’t have comprehended such things.  You were tiny, fragile, and I was a little afraid of you.  I worried that you wouldn’t like me.  That I would mess up and do something wrong.  I had no clue what I was doing.  Motherly instincts did not come as naturally as I’d hoped.  It was a matter of survival when it came to you.  Make it to the next feeding, the next nap, the next diaper change.  We lived in 3 hour increments .  Still you loved me unconditionally and slowly I found my way.  You inspired me to be exactly what you needed me to be.  Strong, courageous, forgiving, & patient.  Characteristics that came easily with you in my life.  Thank you for such a beautiful gift Makenna Jayde.  I wouldn’t be who I am today without all three wonderful years of you.  I know I will have many more birthdays to celebrate with you. More moments of you surprising & delighting me.  More “I love yous, hugs, & kisses.  I know you will scare me, then reassure me a moment later.  Test my patience, make me laugh & then cry.  Walk away but eventually  (please) grab my hand.  Still, today I’ll just sit back, take a breath and enjoy this day with you.  You’re no longer my baby but my big girl instead.  Promise me that your tiny little hands will always fit perfectly in mine.   I love you.


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