Single Mommy trying to find my place in this crazy world. Random thoughts, pics, videos etc that pop in my head along the way. Maybe some DIY ideas, recipes, and reviews as well. Followed by a pinch of spice to keep it interesting.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Seek His presence, not His presents.

I’ve been racking my brain for a week trying to figure out how to fix the current situation our family is in. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in days. I spend my time searching for a 2nd job, a roommate, anything that can help our current financial state. I’ve yelled, screamed, cried but up until last night I had not prayed. The realist in me has tried to logically find a solution. I’ve to...ld myself I don’t have time to leave my fate up to God and that I have to come up with a plan. However I realized last night that while I may not need to sit around and wait for a miracle I do need to pray for some guidance during this time. I’m not the most spiritual person but I have found that while dealing with all of this I’ve lost a little bit of my light. In order to make the best decisions for myself & my daughter I need to be working with a clear mind and full heart. With that said, I think I need to remember this more than ever right now because with His presence I will get through this.