I woke up this morning to an unfamiliar smell coming from the kitchen. Most mornings I don’t make it to the kitchen until 2 minutes before its time to walk out the door. At that time I usually grab a protein drink, pop tart, or a banana. So to smell food first thing this morning was a refreshing way to start my morning. I walked in to find Emily (step sister) in the kitchen and a huge production there in front of me. Bacon, Sausage, Migas, Tortillas. Seriously? I’m assuming she didn’t get the memo that today was the day I’d sworn to get back on track with my diet. For those unaware of what Migas are, its scrambled eggs mixed with peppers, cheese, and tortilla strips. Super yummy but not good for the person avoiding Mexican food, more importantly…tortillas. Needless to say I didn’t start my morning off as planned. It didn’t help that when I walked in the office they had Round Rock donuts (my favorite) sitting in the break room. Really? This can’t be happening. Then I get to my desk and one of my co-workers walks in with two cups of Starbucks. Thanks for the sudden craving for a Mocha Frapp. Still, I did not give into the craving and began to check email. The first one that pops up is from my friend demanding I attend lunch with her today. Typical. She claims it’s the last time she will ask since she is also starting a diet and can no longer indulge in eating out each day. As many times as I told her no she fired back with reasons why I MUST go and so I now find myself back in the same situation I was in this morning. My will power absolutely stinks today. I have agreed to go with her but have put my foot down on what I will be eating. I told her that wherever we go I will be having soup. Ironically she has chosen a Mexican food restaurant. FML! Still, I will have soup and no chips and salsa. I’m writing this down so I have no choice but to stick with it. Done with my rant for the day but I seriously am convinced that the universe is against me today. That is all. Happy Monday!
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