Single Mommy trying to find my place in this crazy world. Random thoughts, pics, videos etc that pop in my head along the way. Maybe some DIY ideas, recipes, and reviews as well. Followed by a pinch of spice to keep it interesting.
Monday, December 30, 2013
I actually followed through with some of my resolutions
As 2013 comes to an end I’m sitting back reflecting on all that I’ve gone through and accomplished this year. Some of you may remember me creating a motivational memory board where I shared all my resolutions for 2013. I’ve kept that board by my bedside all year so each morning I’d wake to see what I needed to work on. Now I knew better than to think I would accomplish or master each task but I did hope to at least make a few of those resolutions stick. While going through them today I realized I did manage to achieve more than I’d hoped for. See below.
Lose weight: In 2013 I lost 30lbs. I gained 7 of those pounds back over the past three months since taking a break but overall I still did lose. It wasn’t the ideal amount but I count this as a win since I at least lost something.
Dance: Boy have I danced. I find myself turning on music on the weekends and pulling Makenna into the living room to dance our butts off. It’s so much fun. Next I want to master country dancing.
Get more organized: I’ve struggled with getting more organized at home but I definitely have mastered it at work. My desk is always perfect before I leave for the day. I still need to work on my bedroom. =)
Keep track of money I’m spending: I become much more financially responsible over this past year. I worked hard at keeping track of everything and built up my credit once again giving me a credit score that made it possible to get out from under my old car that had me upside down.
Get a new car: Due to my good choices regarding my finances I was able to purchase another car and this time it was something I actually wanted rather than what I could afford. It definitely helps when making that payment each month.
Learn to cook: My stepsister has started teaching me things. I even find myself experimenting on the weekends. What’s even better is that I enjoy it. There is still so much to learn but I’m excited about continuing this resolution.
Learn to laugh: I’ve learned to do this a lot lately. Rather than get angry when things don’t go my way I try to stay positive and focus on what is going right rather than wrong. I’m slowly starting to live each day with an open heart and it’s amazing how much happier I am. Still something I want to work on but again…another win.
So the things I didn’t accomplish…the main ones would be getting down to my high school weight, traveling, and finally buying another laptop or computer so I can keep up with technology. Good thing I have 2014 for that. I will try to write another blog before 2014 giving more highlights of my year but for now I just wanted to say I’m proud of myself. =) Yep…I said it. I’m proud of all I’ve done this year. Now it’s time to make my 2014 board. =)
Monday, October 7, 2013
Seek His presence, not His presents.
I’ve been racking my brain for a week trying to figure out how to fix the current situation our family is in. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in days. I spend my time searching for a 2nd job, a roommate, anything that can help our current financial state. I’ve yelled, screamed, cried but up until last night I had not prayed. The realist in me has tried to logically find a solution. I’ve to...ld myself I don’t have time to leave my fate up to God and that I have to come up with a plan. However I realized last night that while I may not need to sit around and wait for a miracle I do need to pray for some guidance during this time. I’m not the most spiritual person but I have found that while dealing with all of this I’ve lost a little bit of my light. In order to make the best decisions for myself & my daughter I need to be working with a clear mind and full heart. With that said, I think I need to remember this more than ever right now because with His presence I will get through this.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
New Car!!!
Goodbye Chevy. Hello Nissan. Feels great to finally have something more reliable. Happy Birthday to me! :-)
Monday, September 16, 2013
30th Birthday Bash
Those who know me well probably remember me saying I wanted to go on a trip somewhere far away or that I wanted a fancy dinner for my 30th birthday. I realized this weekend one thing, that far away place wouldn't have included my family. That fancy dinner would have been in a loud restaurant & I wouldn't have been able to share stories with my close friends. Partying downtown wouldn't have inc...luded my daughter. I guess what I'm saying is that everything I thought I wanted for my 30th birthday wasn't at all what I needed. So what did I need? I needed to spend quality time with my loved ones. To share memories with my sweet baby girl rather than partying downtown. Sitting around with my friends & family in our home and watching our kids play together was more satisfying than any trip. Receiving phone calls, texts & emails today from so many sweet friends was the icing on the cake. Then to check the mail this evening & have a card from my grandparents telling me how proud they were of me ended an absolute perfect birthday. I may not be where I thought I would be at 30 but I can say this. I have a beautiful smart little girl that I can't live without. A good job, a family that loves me, an unbreakable bond with my grandparents, friends that are still there after 18 years, and amazing new friends who I'm lucky to have met as well. There is little to no regret here. Yes I'm a work in progress but I still keep a positive attitude and I'm working my butt off on achieving all my goals. That's pretty darn good if you ask me. So here we go 30's...bring it on
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Meet Scuttles
We decided to rescue a kitten today from Petsmart. Makenna couldn’t have been happier. There were lots of adorable kittens there but as soon as I picked him up I knew he’d be the perfect fit for our family. He’s so sweet and loving and just wants to be carried around like a baby doll. Absolutely what my year old wanted. His adoption name was Scuttles and we decided to stick with it since Makenna is obsessed with The Little Mermaid. I’ll update with more pics as he grows.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Makenna's First Haircut
Well I finally caved in and allowed my mom to take Makenna to Salon Divas to get her hair cut. This has been an ongoing battle because my bestfriend cuts hair and wanted to be the person to cut Makenna's hair. For those who know my mother you know that when she has her mind made up on something there is no changing. So rather than continue to fight with her I figured I'd allow her to take Makenna this one time to Salon Divas and after that I'd have her go to Alexis. Seems like a good compromise right? Wrong! I ended up completely upsetting Alexis and now I feel like total crap. I should have just stood my grind and taken Makenna to Alexis in the first place. Total bestfriend foul. =( I've already apoloygized but to help make it up even more I've decided I'll be blogging about her business coming up to help advertise for her. I'll share it on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, & here. I know it doesn't fix things but atleast its a step in the right direction. Be on the look out for more info. Here are pics of Makenna's first haircut. It may not have gone as planned but atleast I remembered to take pic and keep a lock of her hair for the baby book.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Painting Time - Take 2
Alexis & I decided to try out Easely Amused again. This was her first time and my second visit. Once again I had a blast. The theme tonight was "Tree of Life". For it being her first time I think she did much better than I did. I wish I could blame it on the alcohol but I was completely sober this time around. For those who still haven't tried them out, definitely schedule a night in the next month. They are running specials for September so its the perfect time to experience this.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Half way to my 50lb goal by my birthday.
Well I finally passed up the half way point for my 50lb weight loss goal by my bday. It’s August 6th and I’m officially down 26.5. I have 6 more weeks to lose another 23.5 pounds. I’m really wishing I hadn’t slacked off so much last week. I would have had no issues trying to make this happen. With the time I have left realistically to succeed I need to be losing almost 4lbs a week. Not exactly how I originally planned this going but I’m ready for the challenge. Besides, If I don’t hit 50lbs by my bday I will still be that much closer to my goal. No point in giving up now. Wish me luck guys. I definitely will need it over the next few weeks.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Positivity for your negativity
I saw online that Mary- Louise Parker has announced she will be quitting the acting business due to all the negative comments by the public about her . Then, I was watching the Bad Girls Club reunion last night (don’t judge me) and one of the women was apologizing for all the bad mouthing she’d done to the other women via Twitter. She admitted that it was wrong, in the heat of the moment, and was only due to the women pointing out her own insecurities regarding her weight. Had they just communicated with each other it never would have gone as far as it did and feelings would not be hurt on either side. Then I log on to my FB and see more drama on here as well. So I have this to say to all my ladies out here….I myself have been guilty of bad mouthing or venting on FB, Twitter, etc. I know it’s wrong but when I’m in the moment that is my first choice of expression. With that said, I think we all (including myself) need to limit these moments and consider going straight to the source. Discuss the issues and if you can’t come to a solution then at least agree to disagree. I know some people feel like you should keep your opinions to yourself but I embrace it. Even if its negative. I’m going to take what you say and learn from it. Maybe it’s something I need to hear in order to grow. Yes, it may hurt my feelings but I know I’m strong enough to move past it. We all are. We shouldn’t be afraid or embarrassed to express our opinions. We should only be embarrassed if we’re not telling the person who it is regarding directly. That is cowardly. Now I’m not saying that you have to tell that person EVERYTHING. There are some things that don’t need explaining. (pick your battles) However, if you have a true issue that you feel could be bettered by speaking out, do so. Let’s not bad mouth each other via FB, Twitter, etc. As women we need to lift each other up, not tear each other down. And when offering criticism make sure your delivery and intent is pure and comes from a place of true concern. I guess what I find myself preaching about today is positivity. We all need it and we should all be sharing it. Offer encouragement to those who need it, praise those who deserve it. I was once told its annoying that I share when my sisters post something positive going on in their life. All I could do is laugh. If it is annoying that I’m happy for the accomplishments of the people in my life and I feel like sharing it with the world then chances are you are probably not happy with something going on in your own life. There are so many incredible women that I know and I’m proud of each and every one of them. Sisters, friends, cousins, etc. They are all phenomenal women and deserve all the bragging that I do. So keep that in mind the next time you see someone’s excitement regarding an achievement they may have just earned. Congratulate and share their happiness with others. You just might encourage the next phenomenal woman to stand up and take off on their own journey. Oh and remember, if there is hope for all those crazy women on the Bad Girls Club…there is hope for us all. Hahaha…love you guys! Happy Wednesday!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Painting Time!
For those who have not tried the painting & wine thing you should really give it a shot. I’m far from being artistic but my experience at Easely Amused has me ready to go back for more. We visted Easely Amused Austin located off South Lamar in Austin, Tx this past Saturday for the Crazy Daisy class. It was a blast. There was a good mix of people with a large age range and everyone was super friendly. It was BYOB so obviously the alcohol helped loosen up those of us who had no idea what we were doing. It really wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be though. The instructor was very attentive and made the entire experience super easy and fun. You can see pics below of our final pieces. I definitely plan on attending another class some time soon. It's the perfect place for a girls night or even date night with your significant other. Let loose and get creative. The only thing I'd change for next time is that I will definitely with wine instead of the yucky Bud Light Strawberry Rita I brought with me. Eeeewww.
All done.
Rachel's Daisy
My Daisy
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I received a text from a friend asking, “Do you ever feel stagnant?” As I sat back and reflected I found that while I have been at that point a time or two I don’t stay stagnant for very long. The moment I feel like I’m just going through the motions and not really moving forward I try to check myself. I will focus on something new, whether that be school, furthering my career, being a better parent, losing weight, hell…I’ll even color code my closet just to feel like I’m being somewhat productive. =) I can’t stand that “stuck” feeling. It happens every now and then though no matter how hard I try to fight it. I’m a single mom living back at home with my own mother at almost 30. How can I not feel stuck sometimes? School had been starting to make me feel that way. I was holding back from majoring in education due to my own fear of not being able to provide financially the way I’d like for Makenna. I was just going to shoot for something that would allow me to finish school faster so I could immediately increase my current income. However, I wouldn’t be moving in the direction that I’m most passionate about. Both teaching and learning excites me. I’m a nerd. The more knowledge I obtain the happier I am. I’m not sure very many people know this about me. I just don’t seem to get that deep with most of my friends these days. I keep it all inside so I’m sure they have no idea that my ideal life would include studying abroad. If money wasn’t a factor and I didn’t have Makenna I’d love to travel all over the world and just study the different cultures. People in general fascinate me. In a time when all you see on the news is violence, gossip, or disaster I’m sure this may shock some of you when I say that people give me hope & I find peace in learning their stories. Where they’ve come from, where they’re going. What they want in life and how they plan on achieving it. We can learn so much from each other if we just take the time to stop and look around. Introduce yourself to your neighbors. Don’t be afraid to spark a conversation with the stranger sitting next to you at an event. You never know what type of relationship you may form with just a simple hello. I’m mentioning this now because I had this conversation with a woman I met recently and I ended it with, “Well that’s what I would do if I didn’t have Makenna.” She looked very puzzled and asked, “Why does that matter?”. I guess I felt like in a way once I became a mother I put all my dreams aside so that I could focus on Makenna. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? I always thought that once she was born I was suppose to solely focus on her and give her the most stable environment I could. Traveling to a foreign country with a child, not being able to provide her with all the nice things she has now just seemed selfish. As we sat and talked more I realized no matter where I am or how much money I have or don’t have that I can always provide my daughter with the two most important things she will need, love & strength. If we struggle so that I can follow my dreams she will see first hand that with strength and determination you can achieve anything. She will see that her mother continued on when most didn’t think she should. That she did not become a statistic. If anything it will mold her into a strong woman herself. Right now she’s a child with hope & dreams. She sees the world more beautifully than any adult can. I love that about her but I know there will be a day when the world starts to pull her down. That is why I am so focused on raising a strong woman. These are the years that count and I want her childhood to be full of culture, passion, the best education, and of course love. With that said, I have a lot of thinking to do about my next steps. There are definitely some changes to be made.
Thank you Terrance for making me think a little today. It was a nice break from the mindless data entry that was consuming my afternoon.
Monday, July 8, 2013
India.Arie - He Heals Me
This song describes exactly how I am feeling about a certain someone right now. Love it.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
#CurrentMood - If you haven't added me on Instagram yet you should. This is the type of randomness you'll receive from me. Add Me: Tprice83
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Weekend Lake Trip
We spent the weekend at the Island on Lake Travis again. It was a vacation I think we all really needed. This time around it was Brittany, Ray, Kendall & myself staying overnight. My mom came out Friday during the day to lay by the pool with us girls and Katya & Alexis joined us Saturday evening for a few hours. The only person missing was Makenna. Next time I will have to bring her along bc I missed her like crazy. Overall, a great weekend. The weather was fabulous and the water felt amazing. Success! See the pics below…
Everyone got along and Kendall and I got the alone time I’ve been asking for. I’m still not sure where our relationship is headed. Some days I want more than what we have and others I’m completely content being single and dating around. I realized this weekend that there shouldn’t be a rush on making up our minds. I’m just going to continue enjoying his company. I’m so back and forth with my feelings for him and he seems to be as well that it’s just much less stressful if I don’t over think it. One thing is for sure, we are both ready to go back and do it again.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
My Mom's 48th Birthday - Top Golf Austin
Here are pics from my mom’s birthday. We ended up going to Top Golf. If you haven’t been yet you definitely should go. We had a blast. Makenna even joined in on the fun. Perfect place for a get together. I may even consider making this where I spend my 30th bday. Fun times!
Emily & I
Brittany & I
Justin & I
JT, Ray, Justin & Scott
Dana & Britt
Before I sprained my back. lol
Mak and JT
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